Read Froth Busters

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Froth Busters

Froth builds up in the receiving can during milking often becomes a significant problem. Reads have a solution to help!

Designed and manufactured here at Read Industrial. We install a froth buster nozzle at the top of the receiving can. Secondly, we run a clear silicon hose from the milk pump outlet to the froth buster nozzle. This is so a portion of the milk can be sprayed back into the receiver eliminating the froth. Excessive froth can get into the airline, consequently making it unclean. Furthermore, causing damage to the vacuum system in extreme cases.

Professional installation is vital. Trust our Read technicians or countrywide agents to install correctly.   Froth busters are a game-changer in peak season!  You can reduce the time you spend checking the receiving can for excessive froth. Our technicians are nonstop this time of year installing froth busters throughout Canterbury as well as other time-saving upgrades. Read froth busters can be retrofitted to any milking system.

Read Froth Buster

Froth builds up in the receiving can during milking often becomes a significant problem. Reads have a solution to help! The Read Froth Buster.

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